Pros and Cons of Chemically Treating Your Grease Trap

Pros and Cons of Chemically Treating Your Grease Trap

Pros and Cons of Chemically Treating Your Grease Trap

隔油池很臭, 收集油脂的脏设备, 油, and greases (“FOGs”) and prevents the FOGs from entering the city sewer system. The FOGs in the grease trap need to be cleaned and if not treated properly, 可以溢出, causing the FOGs to ooze all over your kitchen floor.

如果你有隔油池, 你可能正在寻找最好的方法来处理隔油池和防止问题. One option is to treat a grease trap with preventative maintenance chemicals. These chemicals help control the FOGs that have collected within a grease trap.

Here at State Chemical, we sell a variety of chemicals to maintain a grease trap. 在本文中, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将根据澳门威尼斯人赌城网站与美国各地客户合作的丰富经验,帮助您了解化学解决方案是否适合您, 加拿大, 和波多黎各. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的经验告诉澳门威尼斯人赌城网站,用化学方法处理隔油池有利有弊:


  • Reduces the risk of future problems (such as overflows)
  • Prevents the build-up of gases that corrode the grease trap
  • Decreases the frequency that you need to clean the trap


  • Does not eliminate the need to clean the grease trap
  • 涉及前期成本
  • 需要时间来提高效率
  • 需要时间和精力
图示隔油池的工作原理.  The grease trap is depicted as a rectangular box with a drainage pipe on each end.  First, wastewater enters the trap through a drainage pipe.  Second, the grease trap has a mechanism that separates the FOGs from the water.  第三,水从另一根管子流出隔油池,而浮雾留在隔油池内.



隔油器,也被称为隔油器,是商业厨房里的一种管道设备. 隔油池的作用是防止食物固体离开建筑物进入城市的污水系统. A simple example is bacon grease – if you pour bacon grease down the kitchen drain, 这些油脂会聚集在隔油池中,这样就不会进入城市排水系统造成堵塞.


  1. 含大雾的污水进入隔油池.
  2. 浮雾在隔油池中与水分离.
  3. FOGs remain in the grease trap, but water flows down the drain.

The FOGs in the grease trap solidify into a solid block, similar in look to solidified bacon grease left in a pan.

Chemicals Treat a Grease Trap as Preventative Maintenance

You can treat a grease trap by adding chemicals to the trap. The chemicals break down the FOGs in the grease trap. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站建议通过泵加入化学品. The pump slowly dispenses chemicals into the grease trap for consistent dosing.

另一种方法是一次性将大量的化学物质倒入隔油池. 这是不推荐的,因为虽然它会有改善隔油池气味的临时解决方案, 它不会带来长期的结果. 观察隔油池内雾气的减少情况, the chemicals need to be added on a consistent drip.

以细菌为基础的产品的一致剂量允许细菌菌落在隔油池中生长. 每次你使用含细菌的产品,你就会往隔油池里添加更多的细菌. 这使得细菌能够生长和茁壮成长. The healthy colony of bacteria digests the FOGs in the grease trap. 换句话说,细菌吃雾.

肮脏的隔油池.  The trap is a circular pit containing water and solidified fats, 油, and greases.  The fats, 油, and greases are brown and floating on top of the water.


PRO: Chemical Preventative Maintenance Prevents Future Problems

向电梯站添加化学物质的一个重要好处是防止未来的问题. 如果隔油池未经处理,没有泵出, 它会溢出, 造成臭味, 你的厨房一团糟. 即使最坏的情况没有发生, untreated grease traps emit a disgusting smell and can attract flies and cockroaches.

An Air Force base had a small grease trap in the kitchen, which they did not treat. 这个小隔油池溢油严重,厨房里到处都是“油脂”. 这导致了大规模的清理工作. The Air Force base started chemically treating their grease station after that event.



PRO: Chemical Preventative Maintenance Prevents the Build-up of Corrosive Gases

向隔油池中添加化学物质可以防止硫化氢气体(H2S)的积聚. H2S是生活在隔油池内的细菌的副产品,如果允许它积累的话, H2S会腐蚀隔油池内泵和设备中的混凝土和金属.

Adding chemicals to the trap prevents H2S from building up in large quantities. 因此, 化学处理隔油池的一个显著优点是可以防止H2S腐蚀隔油池内的泵和设备.



All grease traps need to be either cleaned by hand or pumped out. Small kitchen grease traps can be cleaned by hand; while large industrial grease traps and tanks must be pumped out. 抽除隔油池, 你的雇员或外部承包商必须使用吸入泵从疏水阀上清除雾气,然后清洗并刮去疏水阀上的油脂. 这是一份恶心的工作,值得在由迈克·罗主演的电视节目“肮脏的工作”中出现. When someone cleans a grease trap, it causes the entire kitchen to smell. Everyone in your kitchen will smell that something is going on.

化学预防性维护的一个显著好处是,它减少了每年你需要抽出隔油池的次数. 例如, 通过化学保养, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的一位客户将隔油池的清洁计划从每月减少到每季度.

两个工人正在给隔油池抽水.  The grease trap is a hole in the sidewalk that 2 tubes are coming out of.  这两根管子将烟雾从捕集器中吸出,并将其吸入停在捕集器后面的三辆卡车中.



同时添加化学预防性维护减少了清洁隔油池的需要, 它并没有消除这种需求. 一些地方政府要求企业抽出隔油池,并记录抽油量. 例如, 在1月25日写这篇文章时, 2024, 迈阿密-戴德县有一项环境保护条例,规定了对非住宅设施的抽水要求. 因此, there is no way to eliminate the need to pump out in some locations. Even in places where the government does not require a pump out, you cannot eliminate the need to clean a grease trap. All grease traps will eventually need to be cleaned.

CON: Chemical Preventative Maintenance Involves An Upfront Cost

Adding a chemical preventative maintenance solution involves an upfront cost. Chemical drain maintenance adds an additional charge to your company every month. 然而,大多数人发现预防性排水护理比反应性排水护理便宜. 反应性排水护理对问题作出反应, while preventative maintenance prevents problems from occurring. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的大多数客户发现,由于化学品排放维护减少了每年泵出的次数,并防止了代价高昂的溢流, 增加化学排水管维修减少了他们每年花在隔油池上的钱.

CON: Chemical Preventative Maintenance Takes Time to Start Working

Chemical drain maintenance reduces the FOG build-up in a grease trap. 然而,这不是一蹴而就的. Many companies use bacterial products to maintain their grease traps. 这些产品的工作原理是将健康的细菌引入隔油池,细菌消化隔油池中的FOGs. 随着时间的推移,细菌会慢慢吃掉雾气, so most kitchens see full results after treating their grease trap for three months.

CON: Chemical Preventative Maintenance Takes Time and Effort

这取决于你雇佣哪家公司来提供预防性维护化学品, chemically treating a grease trap can require your time and effort. Some chemical maintenance providers send you the chemicals and equipment, 但需要你维护和修理设备,并在空桶时更换化学品. However, some companies provide service as part of the treatment solution. If you do not wish to spend time and effort chemically maintaining a grease trap, we recommend hiring a company that provides service. 有些公司根据需要更换化学品桶和固定和更换点胶设备.

Diagram that depicts the pros and cons of chemically treating a grease trap.  列举的优点是化学处理隔油池可以防止问题(溢出)。, 减少清洗频率, 并防止腐蚀性气体的积聚.  列出的缺点表明,化学处理隔油池并不能消除清洁, 有前期成本, 需要时间和精力, 而且需要时间才能发挥作用.

Chemical Preventative Grease Trap Maintenance Has Pros and Cons

如果你有隔油池, you are likely looking for the best way to treat it. 这篇文章解释了使用化学品进行预防性隔油池维护的利弊. 积极的一面, chemicals reduce the risk of future problems (such as overflows), 防止腐蚀性气体积聚, 减少泵出频率. 消极的, 化学药品并不能消除抽水的需要, 涉及前期成本, 花时间提高效率, 花时间和精力.

If you are interested in chemically treating your grease trap, then your next step is to determine the process through which you wish to do so. 大多数公司提供化学隔油池的临时维护(意思是你根据需要购买化学品)或作为合同的一部分(公司同意定期提供化学品和设备)。. 通过临时交易方式或合同方式购买化学品有利有弊.