


Preventative drain cleaners prevent clogs and their associated issues, such as 溢出. While knowing that you do not want your drain to overflow and spew sewage all over your floor is easy, 这很难知道 下水道清洁器是否值得投资.

在State Chemical, we provide industrial drain maintenance to customers across the United States, 加拿大, 和波多黎各. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站接近潜在客户时, we repeatedly hear three concerns about preventative drain maintenance. Potential customers are concerned that (1) preventative drain cleaners are too expensive, (2) that they won’t be able to control the costs of preventative drain maintenance, and (3) that preventative drain maintenance cannot stop all clogs. This article walks through those concerns and solutions to alleviate them.

Preventative Drain 清洁工 Prevent Overflows and Other Drain Issues

Preventative drain cleaners are chemical products that prevent clogs and their associated issues. 添加一个主动的下水道清洁剂可以防止堵塞, 排水沟的苍蝇和蟑螂, 犯规的气味, 最令人担忧的是, 溢出. In an overflow, a drain blockage causes the sewage to leak out of the drain and onto your floor.

许多预防性下水道清洁剂都含有细菌. The bacteria slowly digest the fats, oils, and greases (FOGs) that flow down the drain line. 换句话说,细菌吃雾. By digesting the FOGs, the bacteria prevent them from forming a mass that will clog your drain.

The most effective way to use a preventative drain cleaner is on a dispensing pump. The pump slowly drips the chemical product into the drain so that there is a consistent amount of product in the drain at all times. The alternative is to dump a large amount of chemicals into the drain at one time. While this will improve the smell of your drain in the short term, 它不会对防止排水问题产生长期影响.



澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的潜在客户最关心的是成本. Many potential customers are concerned that preventative drain maintenance is too expensive. 在下水道中添加预防性的下水道清洁剂包括 前期成本. There is no getting around the fact that adding a drain maintainer 每月增加开支.

然而,大多数客户发现 reactive 排泄护理 is more expensive than preventative 排泄护理. We like to think of preventative drain cleaning as insurance – while you pay more upfront, 它为你节省了未来的大笔开支.

决定预防性引流护理是否适合你, compare the cost of preventative drain maintenance with the expenses you have faced and could face from reactive 排泄护理. Preventative drain maintenance involves adding a chemical solution to your drains before a problem occurs to prevent problems, 比如下水道堵塞, 在未来. Reactive 排泄护理 is responding to problems, such as 溢出, after they occur.

The worst-case scenario of a drain clog is that the clog can overflow and cause sewage to leak all over your floor. 例如, 如果你的餐厅有污水泄漏, you must shut down the entire restaurant until you fix the clog and clean up the sewage. 当污水漏到地板上时,你不能提供食物. This leads to an immense cost of repairing the problem and cleaning up the overflow, 还有因为关门而损失的利润.

Preventative 排泄护理 can prevent 溢出 and related expenses.

A gallon bucket of a State Chemical branded bucket is pictured next to a white rectangular box.  在盒子的右边,有一个水槽的底部.  The State branded box is hooked up to the sink through a clear tube.  The tube slowly dispenses product from the bucket to the sink drain.


Concern: I Won’t Be Able to Control the Costs of Preventative Drain Cleaning

Solutions: Pick a Product Within Your Budget and Enter into a Maintenance Contract

和上面的问题类似, many of our clients are concerned that if they agree to preventative 排泄护理, 他们将无法控制这种护理的费用. There are two solutions to this problem: (1) to pick a product within your budget and (2) to 签订排水管道维修合同.

首先,你 应该选择一款符合你预算的产品吗. Most 排泄护理 providers have multiple products for you to choose from. 这些产品的价格各不相同. You can work with your drain maintenance provider to select the best product for your budget.

第二,你应该 签订排水管道维修合同. In a drain maintenance contract, a provider agrees to provide regular drain maintenance. 而排水维护合同 利与弊,一个显著的好处是 你的价格是固定的. The contract often limits the ability of the provider to raise prices, meaning that 你提前知道你每个月要付多少钱.


Solution: Train Your Staff and Visitors on What Can and Cannot Be Put Down the Drain

添加预防性排水维护溶液可以 预防大部分,但不是全部的排水问题. Proactive drain cleaning will prevent most clogs and 溢出 from normal usage, 但它不能阻止某些东西堵塞你的排水管. 例如, 如果有人把抹布扔进下水道, 那块抹布还是会造成堵塞, 即使你正在使用预防性排水维护.

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在养老院也看到很多堵塞. Residents in nursing homes will put diapers and wipes down the drain, 什么会导致堵塞, 即使你正在使用预防性排水维护.

为了解决这个问题, we recommend training your staff and visitors on what can and cannot be put down the drain. For your staff, we recommend holding a training session on how to properly dispose of various items. 对于游客, you can hang signs in bathrooms and kitchens regarding what should and should not be put down the drain.



就像澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的大多数潜在客户一样, you are probably concerned about the expense and effectiveness of preventative drain maintenance. These concerns can be alleviated by comparing the cost of preventative drain maintenance with the cost of reactive 排泄护理, 在预算范围内选择产品, 订立排水管维修合约, and training your staff and visitors on what can and cannot be put down the drain.

Now that you’ve seen the solutions to customers’ three largest concerns around drain cleaners, 让澳门威尼斯人赌城网站更深入地了解细节并了解 利与弊 这些下水道清洁剂,因为它们与隔油池有关.